Handling meetings effectively

A 1-day workshop.

Effective planning, objective setting and communication skills can transform the way your meetings run, increase productivity and enhance morale. This course is for those who are required to chair or lead meetings on a regular basis.


  • To understand how to effectively set-up and manage a meeting
  • To understand the techniques for successfully chairing meetings
  • To understand the tools for effective communication in meetings



At the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Explain from memory the PROSPER model

  • Describe the pre-meeting preparation that will help ensure a
  • successful outcome
  • Explain the importance of objectives, agenda and pre-briefing
  • Explain the importance effective recording and how best it can be achieved
  • List from memory the 6 parts in the CHAIRS model
  • Explain how they can apply the model in their day-to-day work
  • Explain techniques for enaging and involving all parties
  • Explain techniques for dealing with conflicting interests
  • List from memory the 8 questioning tools
  • Explain the use of each type of question in chairing meetings

Benefits to you

You will be able to lead and participate in meetings more effectively.

Benefits to your business

Meetings become more effective, productive and more time efficient.